I would like to take this opportunity to say KIA ORA to my students, for showing such great Manaakitanga, Manawanuitanga and Kaitiakitanga all year. I am so proud of you all and my experiences with you have made me a better teacher.
To the whanau/parents/caregivers, thank you for always being there for us. Our learning journey would not have been the same without your support and guidance.
To my Year 6's, continue to be the BRAVE and RESILIENT learners that I know you to be.
To my Year 5's, take on leadership opportunities offered to you. It will give you the chance to show everyone just how fantastic you are.
To my colleagues, I have truly appreciated all of your support and words of wisdom throughout our exciting year.
To everyone that I have had the pleasure to have met this year, THANK YOU for everything!!!!
I wish you all a very safe and happy holidays!!!