Monday 1 June 2015

The Lost Pet - Show not Tell.

The lost pet

As a patch of light peeks through my bedroom window and finds a way up my bed to my eyes the patch of light wakes me up, I rub my eyes. A sudden thought of my brand new pet popped into my brain. I quickly  get dressed  and dash rapidly down the stairs the thought of my new pet still filling my mind.

I sprint through the living room out the back door as I jump onto the backyard’s bright green grass. The sun still shining as bright as it can.My eye’s are then taken to the pole and the rope where my massive, dazzling creature stood yesterday afternoon But my pet was no longer tied to the pole. He was nowhere to be seen. Thoughts of confusion infected my head. Where could he be? I repeat to myself. Sadness starts to take over the thought of confusion.

I circle the house over and over again looking under every leaf or branch finally admitting that he’s not around our house.
I then decide to grab my crayons and some sheets of paper to make posters that said LOST PET in capital letters.
I jogged around the neighborhood sellotaping the posters to trees. The sellotape barely sticking to rough bark. Going up to everybodys house in the neighborhood and asking have you seen my wonderful pet giraffe. I even wander up to people at the park and asking them. Everybody's answer was, “Sorry but no.”

So walked over to the playground tears filling my eyes. I walk to the swing with sorrow in my heart. A strong head strokes against my body. My pet giraffe had found me. Warmth had been restored to my body. I played with him for the rest of day at wide, spacious park.


Written by Wu

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