Wednesday 27 July 2016

Term 3 has begun!!!!

The wonderful, magnificent, amazing and energetic members of the Room 19 have come back from the holiday break ready to learn. We have a lot on this term and so our first focus for the term really matters. Our new focus is 'Be healthy'. We need to be healthy in order to have energy to learn, play and enjoy life. Please remember that our school is a water only school, so don't bring juice or other drinks to school. Water is the best source of hydration and best of all it is FREE!!!.

H20 is the way to GO!

Sunday 3 July 2016

Weeks 7-10 Hockey lessons

We have been enjoying our hockey lessons. We have learnt how to hold the stick correctly, how to move with the ball and how to pass it. The most important skill is to use only the flat side of the stick. For safety reasons, we must ALWAYS remember to keep out sticks down close to the ground. 

You must use two hands to hold the stick. The left hand placed at the top of the stick and your right hand lower down the stick. This helps with controlling the stick and turning it over so that the flat side of the stick is always touching the ball.