Monday 6 May 2019

Week 2- Space ponder

Remember to record your thoughts in a comment!!!


  1. What I would take to space is carving tools eg mold,chisil and much more.I would also get a camera to take pictures of undiscovered space shards and other interesting stuff.My last item I would get is a soccer ball to play with but not kick so high cause there is no gravity.

  2. Hi my name is Nadir I would take a jacket why because it will be really cold -129 degrees and I will take some really hard banana's like so many bags my lucky last it will be warm water because it won't let me die.

  3. Room 25 blog going to space comment
    Kia Ora, Im Amani and I’m from Room 25 at Owairaka District School. And to Answer your question if I had to take 3 things to space I would take...
    1. A shrink ray to shrink Saturn to show my friends at home
    2. A cake to celebrate the success of my journey
    3. Table tennis table to play with the ALIENS!!!
    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog (

    Blog you later,

  4. Kia Ora,
    My name is Nuradiin from room 25 Owairaka District school.if i could take anything to space I would take a phone and a portable charger and download offline and learn games.The last thing i would take is a family member to keep me company.
    Blog ya later

  5. Hola, my name is Dekovyn and I would take to space is my favourite blanket apples also McDonals Ill use the wrapper for my trash bin.

  6. My answer to that Space ponder is probably around 50 books so I don't get bored my blanket pillows,plush toys and mattress so I can sleep easily 😴 And an Ipad and charger in case my eyes hurt from reading too many books anyways that is all I would bring
    Blog you later- Luke :)

  7. Hello My name is Melnina from Room 25 the three things that I would take is….

    1. A photo of my family so I can remember them

    2. My tablet so I can play Offline games so I wont get bored or I can steal my brothers phone so he doesn't have one.

    3.Also I would get a speaker so I can play music :D

  8. My Chromebook for entertainment

    My family to support me

    My bed

  9. Hi this is Riley this is a tricky question I think I would say…
    1. Warm clothes
    2. My family
    3. A camera so I can take pictures so I can show everyone what I did

    Those are the three things I would take into space. I could probably be able to list a lot more things but these are the three things I thought of first.
    By Riley

  10. Hi Room 25. I found this really hard; there are so many things I would want to take. My three things are:
    1. My family (including my cat)
    2. Lots of books (loaded on my phone so they don't take up space)
    3. Mr Duck - a soft toy I have had since I was very small.
