Friday 24 April 2020

Stand at Dawn-ANZAC Day 2020

Tomorrow is ANZAC Day. Unfortunately, we are unable to attend the traditional ceremonies that take place on this day. There is still a way in which we can pay our respects and be involved in commemorating ANZAC Day from our bubbles.

Click on the image below to find out more


  1. Hi Room 22.
    ANZAC Day is a really important day. In my street there were 9 houses (including me) who got up to 'Stand at Dawn'. After we played the Last Post music there was a cannon sound that was let off.
    Later in the day when I was out walking, I counted 22 houses with poppies in their windows. Did anyone else spot any?

  2. I couldn't convince my husband to get up at 6 o'clock but our neighbour did and so we were woken up by the Last Post anyway! It was a lovely still morning, so the tunes and words were very clear. Later when we were walking we saw lots of Anzac tributes in windows and on letterboxes. The one I loved the best was the ode written in chalk along the pavement -
    'They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning
    We will remember them.'
    I liked it so much, the next day I popped a note in the letter box thanking them for writing that for others to see.
