Monday 4 May 2020

Collage art

It's time to be super creative and create a masterpiece. Practise being a kaitiaki by choosing to use recyclable materials, using those items again to make a piece of art. You could also make a card for Saturday (Mother's Day) and surprise your wonderful mum, nana, sister or aunty etc.

The possibilities as always are only limited by your imagination........ remember you are fantastically creative!!!

Don't forget to share your art with me and then I can share it with the world!!!


  1. I love collage, nearly as much as papier mache. I wonder what I could do a collage of? Maria

  2. I can't wait to check back in and see some wonderful creations, you really can use all sorts of different types of materials.

  3. Happy Collaging Room 22! I'll pop back in and see some of your creations another day.

  4. What a great idea Room 22. I am also looking forward to seeing some of your collage creations.
