Friday 22 October 2021

Tokelau Language week 2021

Tokelau Language week begins on Sunday the 24th of October. The theme for this years Tokelau Language week is;  Tapui tau gagana ma tau aganuku, i te manaola ma te lautupuola. Tokelau! preserve your language and culture, to enhance spiritual and physical wellbeing. 



  1. Aho Room 22. I can compare my home with the Tokelau Islands - I have 4 sources of power compared to their 2. I would never have thought of coconut power though. How clever to use such a resource. Enjoy your learning.

  2. Kia ora Room 22. To be honest I didn't know much about Tokelau so thank you for sharing and helping me learn. I'm interested to find out why the flag doesn't have a Union Jack like many other flags.
